Club Volunteers

Run by and for its members

Derwent Valley Running Club is an independent club run by and for its members. Everyone involved in making the club what it is are volunteers and we could not exist without them!

We became an independent club in 2015, but were built on strong foundations, having started out as the running club for PB Fitness gym.

Many of us play a role, whether that’s on the committee, sorting club kit, helping with publicity, leading training, devising training plans, organising our annual race or keeping a busy social diary. If you would like to get more involved, just ask!

Here’s our club email address or speak to us at training:

Who volunteers

We have a club committee who helps to run the club on behalf of members. They meet 3-4 times a year.  We all meet together once a year for an annual general meeting (AGM).

The club also has a team of qualified running coaches and leaders in running fitness, as well as a range of other volunteer roles.

Our club constitution sets out how we collectively run the club and make decisions.  A copy is available here:  Club Constitution

Committee members:

Tony Robson, Club Chair

Chris Morris, Vice Chair

Simon Hutchinson, Club Secretary

Andrew Walton, Treasurer

Kirsty Robson, Membership Secretary

Adele Sinclair, Coaching Co-ordinator

Claire Knox, Female Captain, Race Director

John Kirby, Male Captain and Welfare Officer

Vicky Parker, Lead Welfare Officer

Chris Hewitson, Website/IT Officer

Welfare issues

Vicky is our welfare officer and can be contacted if you have any concerns or issues regarding welfare, conduct or safeguarding in relation to the club, its volunteers and members.  If you need to get in touch, email the main club email address.

Our coaches and run leaders team include:

Adele Sinclair, Al Rook, Chris Haswell, Chris Morris, Claire Knox, Francesca Best, John Kirby, Kirsty Robson, Laura Peacock, Mark Marchant, Megan Williams, Mike Leonard, Sasha Ban, Simon Hutchinson, Susan Chambers and Tony Robson

Other club volunteer roles include:

Vicky Parker, Club Kit Co-ordinator

Claire Knox, Race Director, Captain Callcott Canter Race

Adele Sinclair, Claire Knox, Social Secretaries

John Kirby, Grand Prix Co-ordinator