Trainer of the Summer

With so much going on over the last few months; races, training for races, holidays and socials – we’ve taken a joined up approach for our next trainer of the month award, and created the trainer of the summer. Taking a look at everything we’ve all achieved over the last 3 months hasn’t been easy and has taken much longer than expected to review how amazing you’ve all been.

The fourth trainer of the month award is going to be slightly different but no less impressive – recognising the effort, performance, attitude, commitment and attendance of club members; giving special praise to those who make the biggest improvement in training sessions and races.

This award goes to someone who has been “pushing boundaries and working really hard”, whilst other coaches remarked on they’ve “done brilliantly and always with a huge beaming smile”.

Our head coach Adele added: “She really has pushed herself! She doesn’t care that she in her words “is slow and always at the back” bless her she does worry about slowing people down but just is really enjoying her knew found love of trail running. She is a positive role model showing that if you put your mind to it and slog it out you can achieve things you never thought was possible for you.”

Massive congratulations to Sarah!

And we have to say that Sarah is also one of our top contributors to our world map of DVRC pins!

With the final third of the year getting under way, there’s precious Grand Prix points to play for and we’re into Cross Country season. Lots of ways to get out there and impress!

June’s Trainer of the Month

This is the third month of recognising the effort, performance, attitude, commitment and attendance of club members; giving special praise to those who make the biggest improvement in training sessions and races.

And this month is no different – recognising someone who’s been on such a journey since she joined our club and is only going to continue improving. Every other race seems to be a PB, these days, and they’re always done with a smile on her face.

In her own words: “So last year the only half marathon I said I would ever do was the GNR, and I would never run a marathon… 5 halfs later, one tomorrow and a marathon training plan in action” – if that isn’t progress, we don’t want to know what is.

The coaches also added the following:

“my vote is also for Lindsey. She’s gone from imagining running is not for her to completely falling in love with it. By taking it one step at a time, picking up motivation, being motivating and inspiring to others.”

“My vote is for Lindsey has come on leaps and bounds since it started at the club”

“She really has “fallen in love “ with running! The improvements she has made over the past year are very impressive!! Always smiling!”

Never afraid to leave her comfort zone and always willing to try something new – June’s Trainer of the Month goes to…

Lindsey is Trainer of the Month
Huge congratulations to Lindsey!

And another month begins – the grind of getting out there in the July heat will reward the next Trainer of the Month!

May’s Trainer of the Month

Every month we recognise the club member who made the biggest improvement in training sessions and races, as such, we’ve been keeping track of effort, performance, attitude, commitment and attendance…

This month the award can only go to one person and was a bit of no-brainer to pick – someone who has represented the club at national level for Team England, along with a host of other PB’s in other events.

Natasha Powell - May's Trainer of the Month
Massive congratulations to Natasha!

Not only has she achieved big things this month and this year, but Natasha has turned up consistently to everything – be it Ultras, Blaydon Race or Sunday Socials, always with a big smile on her face and is super encouraging to others.

Very inspirational!

And so a new month begins and a new winner beckons for June – well done to everyone for your efforts and commitment to making Derwent Valley the club it is, and the club we all love so much.

April’s Trainer of the Month

Another new website feature we’ve been working on behind the scenes – together with your club coaches, we’ve been keeping track of effort, performance, attitude, commitment and attendance…

Every month, we’ll be recognising the club member who made the biggest improvement in training sessions and races.

The first awarding of this was an easy decision with one clear winner. Someone who has “come on brilliantly, shown commitment, took part in the relays and got well out of his comfort zone every week”

He’s also “worked hard at encouraging others” in training sessions, “even when he speeds past me”

April’s Trainer of the Month is…

Luke Kelly - April's Trainer of the Month
Massive congratulations to Luke!

And well done to everyone for your efforts over the last month… and now you know – your coaches see everything!